Moxibustion therapy is the burning of moxa floss or other medication that is positioned on the skin surface above certain acupuncture points. Through burning of moxa, the warming effects and the medicinal properties conduct meridian channel activity which warms the qi and blood. This promotes vitality and dispels pathogenic qi. As a result, moxibustion is a method where treatment of illnesses and protection of good health is achieved.
Through prolonged periods of trialling, the Asian mugwort was selected to be the main material for moxibustion therapy due to its flammability and channel warming properties. The heating stimulation on the selected areas of the skin’s surface is similar in effect to the usage of needle acupuncture. As such, it became an important method of treatment and prevention of disease. Asian mugwort is easily flammable, possesses a fragrant aroma, abundant in resource and easily able to be processed for storage. These properties attributed to its selection as the main material in moxibustion therapy, hence has historically been given the term moxibustion.
Health maintaining moxibustion therapy is one of China’s unique good health maintenance methods. Not only is it utilised for strengthening the body, but is also applicable to help patients with weak bodies to recuperate. Health maintaining moxibustion is to perform moxibustion at specific acupuncture points on the body to achieve harmonious blood, meridian channel adjustment, maintenance of the internal organs and promote longevity. It is stated in ‘Introduction to Medicine’(Yi Xue Ru Men): “For those that cannot be medicated, those that needles cannot acupuncture, moxibustion is critical.” This indicates that moxibustion can be utilised for cases where acupuncture and medication are ineffective. With regards to moxibustion’s health maintaining uses, it was early documented in ‘Bian Que Xin Shu’ (Book of Heart Teachings by Bian Que): “People without illness who often perform moxibustion at acupuncture points Guan Yuan, Qi Hai, Ming Men……, may not achieve longevity but can live to over a hundred years old.”