Bloodletting therapy is where the Chinese medicine physician uses a needle to pierce specific parts of the body or acupoints in order to release a small amount of blood as a form of therapy for certain illnesses.

Bloodletting therapy must be performed according to and under the guidance of fundamental philosophy in Chinese medicine. Bloodletting therapy helps to expel pathogenic qi, promote harmonious qi and blood flow, balance yin and yang qi, recovering vital energy.

Bloodletting therapy is a unique ancient traditional Chinese medical technique. Its application is simple and convenient yet achieving quick therapeutic results. In terms of modern medicine, this is one of the fastest and most direct methods to improve the blood’s circulation. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, it is a method that improves blood circulation and resolves blood stasis.

However, those with weak constitutions, insufficient qi and blood, bleeding disorders are not suitable for bloodletting therapy. As such, the Chinese medicine physician needs to be clinically careful when pulse reading and inquiring to determine the patient’s bodily constitution as to whether they are suitable candidates for bloodletting.

Bloodletting therapy is often used for pain management, indigestion, heatstroke, stroke, altered conscious state, shock, acute gastroenteritis, acute conjunctivitis, headache, neural dermatitis, acute tonsillitis, muscular strains of the lower back, erysipelas, sores and swellings etc. In addition, bloodletting is also used to treat several chronic diseases. Commonly seen clinical applications include chronic effects of shingles, sore throats and trigeminal nerve induced pains etc.

Bloodletting Therapy Case Study

Haematomas are often one of the sources of suffering for many patients. In the instance of haematomas, bloodletting therapy’s effects are very evident.